Sunday, November 18, 2007

Estar Guars (Say it as though you speak spanish- hint they don't pronouce the G)

At Lincoln's Birthday- his brother and a friend performed the Tango. It was beautiful. I need a talent like that...

Frangipanis, wind tunnels and a volcano all make for a lovely saturday.

The seats in a Mercedes like you've never seen before; Miriam and Claudia, two teachers from our Spanish school

There are a lot of nice views around here. I was also reminded when we were up on Mombacho (the volcano) how at home my heart feels on a mountain.


At 1:56 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am going to dance a dance like that on my birthday......

At 4:58 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait just a tick. i retract my statement. because it wasn't dancer's I DON't have to dance. YOU DO. So when you are at my birthday part saturday next..i expect you to bring a HOT nicaraguan 'friend' and dance the steamy tango with him. then upon your return to can accidentally leave him behind for me!

At 6:08 p.m. , Blogger Kiki said...

sure, yeah just like that, I'll pick up both a HOT nicaraguan 'friend' and some tango moves, you know I am sure I can find them at the market or something...see you saturday with my tango shoes on! will they let me wear them bowling??

At 9:13 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

bowling in tango shoes. i would like to see that. and i would also like to see you bowling in a flirty little tango dress that flutters delicately as you walk. I imagine you will make comments similar to those you made when your hair was short (ie. "My skirt flutters....i have short hair!") and then you will jump all over everyone and act like a 4 year old! Yippppeeeeee!!!!

At 9:19 a.m. , Blogger Kiki said...

I definitely believe those words were superimposed upon me and much more merry making at my expense was had because of them. Now whilst I am always happy to make merry (what I make her into, we know not), I would just like to say once and for all- I CAN"T HELP IT IF I AM THAT GIRL!!!

At 9:23 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

which girl are you..praytell?

At 9:37 a.m. , Blogger Kiki said...

I'm that girl that is cute and you love her in spite of yourself.


At 9:43 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

UMMMMMM...actually although it is your blog, thus giving you the 'right' to say what you your friends, it is our right, and moreso our RESPONSIBILITY to hold you accountable to not using this blog simply to pontificate on erroneous ideas and opinions simply because no one will counter you. HOWEVER, you have my support in the idea that you are a cute girl whom I love in spite of you being yourself :) and you love me in spite of myself too! What a pair we make!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 11:34 a.m. , Blogger Kiki said...

hahahaha... its so true. where would I be without you sus?

At 1:59 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

AGAIN...i refer to the necessity of having a blog dedicated entirely to my inequivocable impact on your life. and now that we've reached the comment threshold on this blog's time for that one soon!!!!!!!


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