Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Quick!! before the power goes out!! post!!

I seem to be living in a funny balance of irony. I am currently in a down-trodden paradise. My house compound has a pool that is shaded by a swaying palm and bougainvillea leaves. I have a bathroom to myself. There is extravagance in the grass, the trees, the flowers.

But I hesitate; I shouldn’t drink the water. And the toilet in that private bathroom is, shall we say, temperamental. Outside the walls of our compound are streets that are littered with trash… and more palms and flowers. Birds of paradise stand above open storm drains with sewage in them.

I finally got a chance to talk with my supervisor today (isn’t this funny: my boss is FIVE countries away from me! Talk about hands-off management style). I got a not a little giddy when he gave me leave to use any down-time “to go out and get the street shots and some video clips.” There is a funny irony about this place though. I have license to go to town (literally) with my camera and my ideas; but somewhere inside me there is a real aversion to flashing around my new wide-angle lens, lest I get mugged or someone beats be with their cart for taking a photo of them selling ice-cream to street kids. Like I said, down-trodden paradise. I just have to get over myself and my aversions (with some handy Spanish-translated waiver forms), step past the gaping open holes in the side-walks (which, as Marshall says, are a drunken accident waiting to happen) and focus on the birds-of-paradise- the flowers and the life here.

I know, that last bit was a bit of a cheesy analysis. I re-wrote this post so many times that I hereby give up.



At 10:18 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is this picture taken? Show more pictures, like of your pool and your house etc., etc. Love Mom


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