Wednesday, March 14, 2007

One for the record books

Things that made this day historic and enjoyable:
*eggs benny at the Austin Diner in Coquitlam with Jon. I never thought the day would come- I found a part of Coquitlam that I like. It was only a three block strip on Mariner way, but hey, if there is that part....maybe there is more! (caveat for coquitlam readers, the only part of your fair city I have been to is the strip of lougheed hwy that takes you from the highway to the mall. scenic indeed). And the Austin Diner is a gem. No seriously, i have a weekness for greasy breakfast food served all day. Jon was a peach too.
*Another day I never thought would come when I would say this, but I think it may be time for me to reign 'er in when it comes to buying books. I just buy books compulsively, but then never have time to read them all so they pile up and look so lovely on my shelves. But who could say no to 7 dollars for the collected works of George Grant?? and how often am I downtown at the ONLY bookstore in this city that seems to sell books in other languages- i NEED that copy of Julio Cortazar's short stories to keep up my spanish. I had to, its an investment. And yet all I seem to read is facebook- scan is more like it, trying to find the link to that funny group again. I shoulda just joined in the first place. darn it.
*Cherry Blossoms in the city! sooo smelly sooo pittty!
*My brother will drop everything to take me to starbucks. He is also a peach. I like visiting him at UBC and sometimes I carry a copy of George Grant's collected works around and pretend I am a student. But I only use the bathrooms at Regent because they are the only ones I can ever find. I am sure there are more on Campus, I just don't know where they are.
*I got a red onion instead of a mint. Its one of the things that makes Vancouver kitschy- and as mentioned in the last post, that makes me have a crush on Vancouver. The Red Onion with Susan is always a joy and a delight. And the conversation is always so engaging "that guy just dyed his hair, you can totally tell." (me emphatically turning around and looking very subtly at said man in question) "where?! who?!? OHHH! yeah!"


At 8:07 p.m. , Blogger Unknown said...

nothing good comes from po co!!! just kiddin. keep on rockin sis. luff yah. glad to hear you had a great day speaken spainsh to immigrants etc.


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