Friday, June 30, 2006

Staff what?

How i am still awake at this point just boggles the mind.
Staff training ends today.
you know what that means-
355+ campers arrive tomorrow.
God has been so good this week, I am learning so much, and there have been times where i have wanted to cry out and just yell at him "would you freaking yell back at me???" Sometimes I just wanted to hear his voice. But he has confirmed things in his own way, so I thankful for that. I guess its a lesson in faith. I can't really even begin to tell you all what has really been going on, because its just so much and i would have to start at the beginning and lets be serious- this is CAMPF. i don't have time to clip my own toenails for crying out loud, let alone be on this computer right now.
But rest assured that there is an awesome crew here, that fun is being had and that fantastic words and phrases as varied as "defenestrate" and "spiritual hang-over" are being propigated and prepared to be spread to the rest of the world. This is gonna be huge- wait, pretty much we might even be having a break-through.
pictures of some of our adventures are above. For a more indepth look, please feel free- feel expensive even- to visit the wide world of flickr
alright my friends, go in peace.


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