Saturday, May 06, 2006

To Do List

So i am now officially edjamacated with my graduation ceremony as the period on the end of my university career. Well, technically, since i am in this photography class for two more weeks, it is more of a dash, a semicolon or more accurately followed by a parentheses. Nevertheless, my diploma is in the mail and my tassel and gold cord are hung about my rear-view mirror and now i face the great wide open (cf. Qwanoes 1999). This last semester i took my final development economics class, which, despite its paltry levels of popularity with my dear friends, was a joy and delight to me. Nevertheless, i did find earlier in the semester a few "lull" moments, shall we say, in which to make a to-do list of all the things i want-drum rollll- to do (thanks captain obvious). I have included a few below in no particular order.

1)Learn Photography (Check!)
2)Take Yoga
3)Learn the drums- if you have ever gotten me into the subject of music you should know this one. I love watching a good drummer, when they are at the point where its not just "1,2,3,4...1,2, 1,2, 1,2,3,4!" It becomes a dance. What other instrument do you get to use your entire body to play? I think especially envy good drummers who can worship through their music. I am so jealous.
4)Hiking. This isnt something i didn't do before, but it was something Rach and i took up last summer when all our friends dumped us for camp- shoot, thats what i am doing...oopsies. But i still love it, well actually, its a love-hate relationship. I get to the 1/4 mark where it has just started to get difficult and ask myself, "why oh why do you do this? you are a glutton for punishment kid" but then at the 3/4 mark, i realise that the pain and sweat is so overwhelming that is just enough to ignore it. Finally i reach the top and I can't even describe to you the moment, its just what it is- a thrill. the mountains are my constant reminder that there is one who is immense, beautiful, grand, thrilling, that is stronger and bigger than i.
5)Hockey. Well, this one might be a bit too late. See, I always had this secret dream to play in the Trin can-am hockey game (canadian girls vs. american guys). Well, now its too late- but hey if i get good enough between now and when i do my masters... maybe there is hope!
-side note: i decided i really like graduating. The robe is pretty sweet actually, so i think masters will have to be seriously thought of- once i have had sufficient rest of course... which may take a you think I could just have one of those honorary things?? maybe graduate again sometime should be 5b.

Ok, so those are a few. But i also have a stack of books to read, some that i have already started (marked with an asterix) and some that sit on my shelf calling my name. OBVIOUSLY as an arts major (and a one time eng.lit major) this list is no where near exhaustive. But these are the summer reading goals- hahaha like reading will happen at camp....oh that's a knee slapper...
a)Out of Poverty (and into something more comfortable)- Stackhouse
b)Crime and Punishment- Dostoevesky
c)Anna Karenina- Tolstoy
d)Shake Hands with the Devil*- Dallaire
e)The Idiot*- Dostoevsky
f)Something by Vinoth Ramachandra, perhaps 'Faiths in Conflict' or 'Gods that Fail'
g)Reading Lolita in Tehran*-Nafisi
h)McWorld vs Jihad- Barber

any other suggestions??

I got to the end of the list and realised that the number one thing is not on it- And that one is fairly significant- seeing as it is what i want to do with my life. But instead of renumbering and adding it in, i am just going to tell you that the most important one isn't there. I left it out on purpose. I am an artist (cf. #1,5)- i am allowed to do that. And travelling is also left out. If i put that in, we would have to start a whole other list for the countries. But i think this is sufficient for now.


At 7:26 p.m. , Blogger Andrea said...

Give yourself a year off school (or 2) and you won't be wanting to do a masters anytime soon. The whole robe thing wears off pretty quick. I mean really, school? Who wants to be back there?
Not I, that's for sure.
Wait, where am I heading this September?

And Hockey? What the...?
No comment. ;)

Anyway, get your photo on and I'll work it for ya on Sunday!

At 6:44 p.m. , Blogger Kiki said...

shut up andg, its all abou the phat pads you get to wear and then bashing full speed into people you don't like with extra help and momentum from near-frictionless ice and metal. It may be a one-shot deal, but it better be a good shot.


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