Thursday, May 04, 2006


Above you will see some of the photos i took for my art 230 class. Tommorrow Paul is going to critique them as he did for those students with last names beginning with A-L today. No comment on how we only managed to get through half a class of 15 students in 3 hours, but it was informative so i guess that snide comment located within my non-comment choice should shut up. I really like this class. i prefer sitting around being lazy, but hanging out and taking pictures is a close second. However, should i become a fantastically talented photographer, DO NOT ask me to do weddings. Decided today that i would never do 'em. Good grief, could you imagine if you screwed up or accidentally over-exposed everything?? Your friends ask you to do their wedding because they like your artsy stuff and want to save money because let's be serious, -at least for my trinity friends- no one will be affording a pro any time before they turn 60 due to indentured servitude to Enrolement services. well, that will teach them to add photographer to the registry list!
i would loose all my friends very quickly as was witnessed by this week's events. i took THREE rolls of film- guess, just guess how many turned out? well here is how i will put it: five fotos were due today at 1pm. I was definitely up at 7:30 am taking another TWO rolls with two different cameras to ensure that the previous night's disaster would not be doomed to repeat itself. Boooo hissss.
Suffice to say, jessi, that the nice picture i took of you and cliffy that i thought might make a birthday present will NOT be coming your way. Let me know if there is a shirt you want instead.

oooh well, c'est la vie. Live and learn. don't count your chick'ns before they're hatched. A watched pot never boils and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree eh?

Incidentally, did you know that the following are palandromes?:
-A man, a plan, a canal- Panama! ( you have to say it like that, with real expression on "Panama!")
-wo nemo, toss a lasso to me now

yep. its true. just try writing them backwards! i promise!


At 9:56 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

so the camera doesn't work then....

At 11:28 p.m. , Blogger Kiki said...

oh no! it works... apparently it is I that doesn't work. Got it figured out now, neat little trcik of laoding and unlaoding film... geez, what is wrong with digital? but yeah, it works, all the photos above are from your cam.

At 10:46 a.m. , Blogger Andrea said...

I like your palendromes...especially the panama one. Clearly I tried reading it backwards! It really works...

At 1:34 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do geese see God?

At 11:22 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

jessi you're a genius! and i bet kiki you are still repeating....a man, a plan a canal - PANAMA! in your head over and over and over and over.
i'm still waiting for my photo shoot, and for you making me looky artsy hot and amazing. let's do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 9:34 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!


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